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“  In this practical dream: 
  Break up can be good.  ”

This is a design project I done for a local cocktail brand called Rio. The target audience is white-collar aged 24-32. I came up with this idea of exchange your heartbroken stories with cocktails. The better the story is, more cocktails you will get.

The Ask
Interviews showed that our target especially women love to share their stories about relationships while drinking RIO. They admitted that heartbroken moment give them an excuse to indulge. Also, they want to share with their friends their stories.

Broken up couples don’t know how to deal with the things they bought together. Most of them are some personal memorabilia. To many people they are something bring back the memories and it has more value than the actual price, but it also hard to keep it when the love is gone.

How does it work
Take a photo of their stuff and say or write your story about it and upload. Then, the viewers will decide if it’s a good one. After the thumb ups exceed 100, the author will get free RIOs and our staff will go and collect it.

Reach target
Since our targets are white collars, so office is the best place to reach them. I chose elevator and take advantage of the opening door to create series of ads that tell people better way to deal with the stuff in home after break-ups. Scan the QR code and they will be navigated to the App.

App: Love recycle
The opening of the app interface is simple. Post the story and picture with one click and review other people’s story. Once “likes” exceed to certain number, you will get bottles of Rio, go pick the flavor you like and we will send people to deliver and also collect the stuff if you don't want it anymore. We’ll donate it to the charity on your behalf.

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